Does Hysteroscopy/Laparoscopy Before IVF Improve Success?

IVF treatment is most difficult and costly for patients. Therefore, it is important to make the necessary preliminary evaluations and preparations in order to increase the success of the treatment. The correct preparation of the patient for IVF treatment is one of the factors that can increase the success of the treatment by best IVF specialists in India.

Even if IVF is chosen as the primary treatment without the need to try classical treatment methods, the doctor will need to explain the reasons clearly to the patient. Therefore, it will be extremely important to carry out pre-treatment tests and evaluations.

Since IVF is being accepted as the first treatment option in many cases today, the conditions where hysteroscopy and laparoscopy are applied are decreasing. However, this naturally varies from centre to centre and from case to case. In some centres, the presence of a condition in the uterine cavity that will prevent pregnancy is routinely investigated by hysteroscopy before starting IVF treatment.

Although it is less, in some centres, the condition of the pelvic region is examined in detail by diagnostic laparoscopy. Some patients may prefer to start IVF treatment directly instead of performing these procedures.

It should not be forgotten that the condition of each patient is different and whether hysteroscopy/laparoscopy should be performed is a decision that should be made by evaluating it personally. Naturally, there is no single truth that can be applied in any case, but the examination of the researches will shed light on the subject.

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy:

This process has become an application mostly performed in the practice by best IVF specialists in India.

The importance of diagnostic hysteroscopy in the examination of the intrauterine cavity is indisputable. With hysteroscopy, it is possible to obtain very clear information about the volume and shape of the cavity (intrauterine cavity), as well as this method gives an idea about the thickness and surface of the endometrium.

Alternatives to this method are HSG (Hysterosalpingography) and preferably ultrasonography in 3D. However, many studies comparing the effectiveness of HSG and hysteroscopy show that hysteroscopy is superior.

In fact, the questions to be answered regarding the examination of the intrauterine cavity are much more than which method to choose:

  • Is it always necessary to examine the intrauterine cavity before IVF treatment?
  • If it is not routinely implemented, in what situations is it useful to do?
  • Does the treatment of intrauterine anomalies by hysteroscopy increase the success of assisted reproductive techniques?

Of course, congenital or later acquired pathologies of the intrauterine cavity significantly reduce the success of assisted reproductive techniques. The incidence of endometrial and intrauterine cavity anomalies can be up to 38%, especially in recurrent IVF failures.

Therapeutic Hysteroscopy:

On the treatment side, there are studies showing that hysteroscopy surgery of intrauterine anomalies has a significant positive effect on fertility. These findings, coupled with the fact that hysteroscopy is a simple procedure performed in the practice environment, suggests that intrauterine anomalies should be routinely treated before IVF, but this is not always the case.

Many IVF centres agree that the incidence of intrauterine anomalies depends on personal risk factors, and most of these anomalies are not important enough to prevent implantation. In addition, in most cases where intrauterine anomalies are suspected, HSG or ultrasonography is considered to be sufficient as an initial examination.


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