Pain Management is a speciality of medicine that deals with acute, chronic and cancer pain. A Pain Specialist is someone who has training and expertise in the evaluation and management of pain through various interventions. Pain management is an expansive & important topic that keeps our communities & patients safe, comfortable and functional. Pain is complex and it has several treatment options including medication, interventions, physical therapy, lifestyle changes and mind-body techniques.
The Pain Clinic is a special care centre devoted exclusively to dealing with persistent chronic pain. Various studies have shown as much as 50-80% improvement in pain reduction for chronic pain sufferers after visiting a Pain Clinic.
Most of these people learn to cope better and can resume normal activities. The doctors are trained in pain management & understand the complex nature of pain to try & treat it with a multi-disciplinary approach.
What's the Goal?
It's to cut your pain and raise your quality of life. Treatment at a Pain Clinic can give you the skills to manage your chronic pain on your own, making you more able to function, so that you may return to work, Here we try to apply the latest advancements in medicine to relieve your pain.
Diseases Managed in the Pain Clinic
Nerve blocks are used for pain treatment and management
Often a group of nerves, called a plexus or ganglion, that causes pain to a specific organ or body region can be blocked with the injection of medication into a specific area of the body. The injection of this nerve-numbing substance is called
Types of Nerve Blocks
Various areas of pain require different types of nerve blocks, Below are a few of the available nerve blocks and some parts of the body where they are used.
Sympathetic Nerve Block: A sympathetic nerve block is one that is performed to determine if there is damage to the sympathetic nerve chain in diseases like CRPS, Post Herpetic Neuralgia, etc.
Stellate Ganglion Block: This is a type of sympathetic nerve block performed to determine if there is damage to the sympathetic nerve chain supplying the head, neck, chest, or arms. If it is the source of pain in those areas, then we assist in doing physical therapy as well.
Platelet Rich Plasma Injection (PRP): Platelets have a wide role in tissue healing because they store and release a wide range of bioactive factors including growth factors. PRP is adm red to treat acute and chronic tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries and also early joint arthritis. It is safe because it is an autologous product derived from a patients own blood and contains platelets and bioactive factors that can enhance tissue healing at injury sites.