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Venkateshwar Hospital has a state-of-the-art laboratory with highest end machines which provide precise and prompt results for all routine and special blood tests. The wide spectrum of diseases that this department deals which covers varioyus diseases ranging from common allergies to rare cancers. Complete diagnostic support for oncology services is provided with tumour markers and immunoassays. Fully automated histopathology lab which can process frozen sections (provide intraoperative tissue diagnosis) and sophisticated immunohistochemistry for exact tissue typing, is handled with expert care under a well-trained team. Gene expert machine for diagnosing drug resistant tuberculosis and doing molecular testing for cervical cancers, chronic leukemia and viral loads for HIV is present in the microbiology section which also has a fully automated blood culture and identification with antibiotic sensitivity machines for various microbes.The Haematology and biochemistry machine are run with stringent controls and accurate results are available in stipulated time frame. The lab motto of five Ps -Perfect, Precise, Prompt Patient care with Politeness is actually palpable here.

Histopathology In Oncology Cases

  • Frozen section for instant diagnosis during surgery
  • Immunohistochemistry for an exact diagnosis of Cancers
  • Special histochemical tests
  • Cytospin cytology with cellblock
  • Same day FNAC and PAP Smears
  • USG and CT guided cytology/FNAC
  • Review of slides/blocks for second opinions by expert and trained Oncopathologists
Pathology & Lab Medicine


  • 5 Part Differential with 20 parameters
  • Automated ESR, Coagulation and Reticulocyte count
  • Bone marrow biopsy and aspiration studies for haematological conditions


  • Dry chemistry for biochemical tests by VITROS
  • Siemens Immulite and Centaur XP for tumour markers, Hormone assays allergy panels and inflammatory conditions
  • Serological levels of HER2 neu (Breast Cancer marker)


  • Fully automated blood culture with BacT/Alert system
  • Identification of microbes with antibiotics sensitivity by Vitek machines
  • Gene expert PCR diagnosis for drug resistant. TB/HIV viral load
  • Molecular diagnosis of cancer cervix, virus and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
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