Heart Attack at a Young Age

heart attack at young ageIndia is known as the coronary heart disease and diabetes capital of the world. According to research and current estimates, India will soon be at the top to have the highest number of heart cases in the world. According to best heart treatment hospital in Delhi, which is the house of some of the leading heart specialists in Delhi, 50% of the heart attacks in India’s happen before the age of 50 and 25% happen before the age of 40. Heart specialists in Dwarka and heart specialists in Delhi say that population living in metropolitan cities are three times more likely to develop heart disease than the people living in rural areas.

Heart diseases are rapidly increasing in young adults, with equal but significant risk in both males and females. A decade ago, heart specialists in Dwarka and heart doctors in Dwarka hardly saw any young patients who were suffering from any heart diseases or heart attacks. But now the heart doctors in Dwarka, get a lot of cases in the 24-32 age group with a heart attack or heart diseases. One will find among the best children’s heart hospital in Dwarka for children affected with heart diseases.

As time passes, more and younger people are suffering from heart diseases. Even the best heart hospital in Delhi and best children’s heart hospital in Dwarka say that this is due of the poor lifestyle that youngsters live nowadays and if this continues, it could take a dangerous turn. It’s important to be precise when researching and choose only among the best heart hospitals in Delhi. By choosing the best heart treatment hospital in Delhi, not only will be get guaranteed of a world-class treatment but a stress-free recovery also.

There are various reasons as to why heart diseases are so prevalent in today’s time. There is no preference given to health and no time to exercise. Exercise is necessary if one wants to keep their overall health in check. Being active will prevent a lot of diseases which could otherwise occur if you sit in bed all day long. The stress which comes with jobs these days is another very important factor which contributes to heart diseases because the workload is such. Another contributing factor is junk food, which ultimately leads to obesity, which puts an individual at a high risk of developing any heart disease.

All of these conditions can be avoided if necessary and proper precautions are taken. The most important thing is adopting a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, even a brisk walk for up to 20 minutes a day can greatly improve your lifestyle.  Reducing stress levels at work and avoiding junk food can be pillars against the increasing risk of a heart attack.

The risk of developing heart disease is more in men than in women. Unfortunately, these gender differences cannot be avoided. These factors are known as non-modifiable risk factors. The people, who have these risk factors, should take extra care in avoiding certain habits and taking necessary precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, which can be done by going to the doctor for regular checkups. Even though a woman gets a heart disease approximately 10 years later than men do, if a woman is diabetic or has a family history of heart disease, then she can develop a risk of heart disease even during the premenopausal phase.

When it comes to a heart attack, it has been proven that lack of knowledge causes a delay in the reaction time. Unable to handle a situation in a timely manner can be proven fatal, so it is extremely important to identify the symptoms of a heart attack.

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