Diabetes; Types And Best Hospital in Delhi For Better Treatment

Diabetes; types and best hospital in Delhi for better treatment

A large section of the world population suffers from diabetes. Diabetes commonly affects people of all age groups. Type 2 Diabetes is the most common. But before we delve into the type of diabetes, let’s first understand what diabetes is.


In simple words, diabetes is condition when an individual’s blood sugar level is too high. The technical name of diabetes is diabetes mellitus. It develops when the pancreas does not produce enough or no insulin. Diabetes can also occur when the body is being unresponsive to the effects of the insulin properly.

As mentioned earlier, diabetes has many types and all the types of diabetes are manageable with medications and/or lifestyle changes.

The primary source of glucose (sugar) for the body is carbohydrates in our food and drinks; they are the body’ go-to source of energy. Blood is the carrier of glucose to all our body’s cells to use for energy.

The glucose in our bloodstream needs a “carrier” to flow in our body and insulin (hormone) acts as that carrier. If the pancreas is not making enough insulin or the body isn’t utilizing it properly, there is a build up of glucose in the bloodstream. This causes high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). If Diabetes is nor managed properly then it can cause many health problems, such as heart disease, nerve damage and eye issues.

Common types of diabetes

  1. Type 2 diabetes: In Type 2 diabetes, the body doesn’t produce enough insulin. Another reason could be that the body’s cells do not respond normally to the insulin (insulin resistance). This is the most common type of diabetes. Though it mainly affects the adults, it can also occur among children.
  2. Prediabetes: Prediabetes is the stage which occurs before the Type 2 diabetes sets in. In this stage, the affected indvidual’s blood glucose levels are higher than normal, yet it is not considered to be high enough to be classified as Type-2 diabetes.
  3. Type 1 diabetes: It is an autoimmune disease wherein the affected person’s immunity system gets attacked. Type 1 diabetes destroys insulin-producing cells in your pancreas for unknown reasons. It has been estimated that up to 10% of people who have diabetes have Type 1. Type 1 diabetes can develop at any age and is usually diagnosed in children and young adults.
  4. Gestational diabetes: This type of diabetes develops during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes usually subside post pregnancy. However, if a woman has developed gestational diabetes, she is at a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life.

Some tips to manage diabetes:

  • Blood sugar monitoring- Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels with the use of glucose meter and finger stick and/or with a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is important as it gives a clear picture on how well your current treatment plan is working.
  • Oral diabetes medication- Metaformin is the most common type of oral medication for diabetes. Though it is mainly the prediabetic, gestational diabetes & Type 2 diabetes patient who need oral medication.
  • Insulin- People with Type 1 diabetes are required to inject synthetic insulin to live through their diabetic condition and to manage diabetes. Insulin intake is needed for some people with Type 2 diabetes as well. Among the ways in which synthetic insulin can be taken, there are injectable insulin with a syringe (shot), insulin pens, insulin pumps.
  • Diet- Choosing the right food is the key to manage your diabetic condition effectively. Counting the carbs in the food and drinks you consume greatly impacts blood sugar. Healthy eating habits coupled with weight management can reduce diabetes level.
  • Exercise- Physical activities are effective in increasing insulin activity and it also helps in reducing insulin resistance. Hence, regular exercise is much needed in diabetes management.

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