Families of children or adolescents with heart disease need specific information on how the disease can affect these patients. From the Pediatric Cardiology Unit of best cardiac hospitals in Delhi , experts answer the most common doubts about patients with heart disease and coronavirus infection.
Also consult basic recommendations to know how to act in this exceptional context, either due to suspected infection or to know what to do during the period of confinement.
Are children or adolescents with heart disease more at risk of contracting the coronavirus?
In general, boys and girls with mild heart disease (septal defects such as interventricular or interatrial communications who have not developed heart failure), or those who are already operated and without residual defects, do not have an increased risk of complications from the coronavirus.
In general, pediatric patients are less likely to develop severe forms of the disease. However, in children with significant heart disease who are infected with the coronavirus, their previous condition must be taken into account and vigilance must be increased during the course of the disease.
What are the heart diseases considered significant?
The following are considered hemodynamically significant heart disease (including cyanotic and non-cyanotic heart disease):
Heart diseases that require medical treatment.
- Those with pulmonary hypertension.
- Those that are in the first 6 months of the postoperative period of cardiac surgery or cardiac intervention.
- Heart diseases associated with syndromes or genetic alterations.
- Those that behave like a univentricular heart.
In addition, patients with heart transplant or awaiting transplantation, patients with uncontrolled severe arrhythmias, pericarditis, and those with family cardiomyopathies with heart failure under treatment are considered to be at higher risk.
Can the immune system be resentful of having congenital heart disease?
People with heart disease need not have a less competent immune (defense) system. Despite the fact that some people with associated genetic syndromes may have a weakened immune system, a higher incidence of COVID-19 has not yet been described.
What should I keep in mind if my son or daughter takes medication for their heart disease?
In recent days, there has been some information on an increased risk in those patients receiving medication such as captopril, enalapril, losartan, among others, but there is no clear evidence in this regard. For this reason, the recommendations of best cardiac hospitals, at the moment, do not indicate that treatment with these drugs should be suspended.
The cardiologist should always be consulted before the patient stops taking the usual medication.
What will my care be like at the best cardiac surgery hospital during this exceptional situation of isolation?
The team of the Pediatric Cardiology Unit has structured a contingency plan to maintain the quality of care for all its patients throughout the period that the security measures by COVID-19 are in force.
They have been enabled channels telematic communication, telephone and telematics care to treat patients in outpatient follow – up.
The activity considered non-preferential is being rescheduled. In any case, urgent cardiological assistance is guaranteed as before, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If my son or daughter starts with symptoms of respiratory infection, where should I go?
If your son or daughter has COVID-19 symptoms (fiber, cough, feeling of shortness of breath or general discomfort), doctors recommend, as a first step, that you follow up using the STOP COVID 19 application and follow its instructions.
If the patient develops serious symptoms, you should go to the Emergency Department, protecting the child during the journey with the established sanitary and hygienic measures.
What should I do if my son or daughter, or a family member comes into contact with a patient with coronavirus?
The same as the rest of the population: communicate it and follow the public health indications of your community, indicating that your son or daughter has a heart disease.
Remember: you should always follow the instructions of best cardiac surgery hospital doctors, who knows the individual circumstances of the patient.