How to Manage the Side-Effects of Cancer Treatment?

About cancer

Cancer is a chronic medical condition marked by the excessive production and multiplication of malignant cells in a particular organ of the body which damage all the healthy tissue and gradually spread to the other organs via a process known as metastasis. The problem may be hereditary or acquired later in life. As per the leading cancer specialist doctors in Delhi, cancer is responsible for around 16 percent of all the deaths recorded annually. Early detection of cancer and timely treatment can help to eradicate the problem completely, however in later stages, the focus is mainly laid on adding some more years to the life of the patient as the disease cannot be eradicated completely.

Various treatments available and their side effects :

There are various different ways to treat cancer patients and the medical protocol to be taken varies depending upon various factors that include the stage of cancer, age of the patient, the organ involved and the extent to which cancer has spread. The treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy etc.

  • Surgery

Surgical removal of the tumour is a very important part of the treatment. In the case of Breast, cancer mastectomy may be performed which refers to the surgical removal of the breasts. In some cases, the affected part of the organ may be removed and even replaced.

Side-effects- Surgery is usually accompanied by risks like bleeding, clotting, loss of fertility, damage to surrounding tissues, reaction to the drugs used during the procedure, pain, infection at the site of incision, slow recovery, damage to other organs etc.

radiation-oncology- venkateshwar hospital

  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy

Chemotherapy involves the use of special drugs to kill the cancer cells whereas radiation therapy involves the use of high dose radiation which is given out by a radioactive material placed either inside the patient’s body or directed on the affected area from outside. Radiation oncology in Delhi has helped to save the lives of numerous patients. The therapies are given before the surgery to reduce the size of the tumour to make the surgical procedure easier and after the surgery to kill any malignant cells that were left behind during the surgery.

Side-effects- Side effects of chemotherapy include weakness, fatigue, loss of hair, bleeding, bruising, anaemia, change in appetite and nausea while those of radiation therapy include loss of energy, pain in the concerned area, change in skin colour or texture, hair loss, indigestion and vomiting.

  • Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy aims at improving or rather strengthening the immune system of the patient to fight cancer.

Side-effects- the side effects of immunotherapy include inflammation in the lungs,  change in bowel movements, hepatitis, pancreatitis, skin rashes, redness and hormonal changes.

  • Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy is a very new and efficient technique that prevent any sort of changes in the cancer cells that enable them to grow and spread.

Side-effects- the most common side effects of targeted therapy are sores in the mouth, loss of appetite, chest pain and discomfort, high blood pressure, loss of hair and problems with clotting.

  • Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy helps to slow down or stop the growth of certain hormones that trigger prostate or breast cancer.

Side-effects- the various side effects of hormone therapy include increased facial hair growth, upset stomach, change in emotional behaviour, loss of libido and change in sexual desire.

All the above-mentioned procedures are offered at the best oncology hospitals in Delhi.

Side-effects of cancer treatment

The side effects of cancer treatment depend mostly upon the type of treatment

How can the side effects be managed?

A lot of patients prefer to undergo oncology treatment in Delhi as the doctor here are highly qualified and have years of experience in the field. They focus on minimizing all the side effects and ensuring better chances at survival. They will inform you about all the possible side effects beforehand so that you are mentally prepared for these and will assist you throughout and leave no stone unturned in making the whole experience better for you. In case you experience any of the side effects inform your oncologist immediately and he will suggest a proper solution.

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